Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS): Our primary focus remains health and safety, however while students are here at school we are leveraging PBIS to support our behavior expectations and positive school climate. Rather than establishing rules on what not to do, George Hall defines and teaches the behaviors and expectations we want to see in our students.
Behavior management
Behavior management that relies on punishment, coercion, or exclusions can increase student stress and can fail to support students’ and teachers’ future skills for engaging in effective teaching and learning (Darling-Hammond et al., 2019). As struggling students spend more and more time away from the classroom, their relationships with their peers and teachers weaken, their ability to keep up with academic content wanes, and their stress levels increase, creating a cycle of misbehavior and disengagement. This can result in increased truancy, absenteeism, and antisocial behaviors, defeating the purpose of discipline, which should be to support a child as they improve behavior.
Restorative Practices
Restorative practices focus on supporting students as they accept accountability for their actions, reflect on the impact they have on others, and, when needed, take steps to repair relationships and build new skills. This inclusive approach deepens relationships by asking students to consider how they impact their community and participate in reflective conversations with teachers and peers. These relationships can buffer future stress, support the ongoing healthy development of the student, and provide positive models for students as they seek to change their behavior and contribute to their school community.
Be safe
Be respectful
Be responsible
Be kind & inclusive
Incentives are a great way to engage all our students and create excitement for our school wide PBIS rewards program.
Jag Tags: When teachers or staff see students exhibiting a positive behavior, they acknowledge the action: “Thank you, Aiden, for being safe and walking in the hallway!” With the Jag Tags rewards system, teachers, staff, and administrators can recognize and acknowledge student behavior in a fun and inviting way by giving the student a small blue Tag.The student then takes this tag to the front office where it is entered into a weekly raffle. The focus is continuously on positive behaviors that foster growth in the classroom and build positive teacher-student relationships. We refer to this system og Jag Tags as the ability to recognize any student, anywhere.
Jojo Jaguar
At George Hall our mascot is Jojo the Jaguar. We use the Jaguar symbol to build harmony among the student population by focusing on the constructive behavioral features and characteristics that the Jaguar displays. We also use Jojo the Jaguar to boost the spirit and morale of the school and set students towards achieving goals and objectives set by the school, such as be safe, be responsible, be respectful, and be kind. Jojo the Jaguar is part of our day to day school social life.
A key aspect of PBIS is focusing on more positive behaviors and less on negative behaviors. Each week, JagTag tickets are drawn from a raffle and students are recognized at a lunch assembly with an award certificate. They have their photo taken and get to keep the large stuffed mascot in their class for the week.
Fun Friday
On Fridays we embrace our school spirit by dressing in Jaguar attire or by wearing the school t-shirt with a Jaguar on it. Having a diverse school community, our mascot creates identity and unity by bringing us all together. We celebrate and recognize good behavior at our lunchtime PBIS assemblies. Music, games, chants, and call and response are all part of the fun. Go Jaguars!